
    Chinese Whispers: YSL Beauty Ramps up Brick-and-Mortar Efforts in China, and More

    The YSL beauty store in Guangzhou is a prime example of how high-end beauty technology can empower brands to interact with today's digital-savvy shoppers.
    The new YSL beauty store in Guangzhou is a prime example of how high-end beauty technology can empower brands to interact with today's digital-savvy shoppers. Photo: YSL WeChat
    Yiling PanAuthor
      Published   in Beauty

    In “Chinese Whispers,” we share the biggest news stories about the luxury industry in China that have yet to make it into the English language. In this week’s edition, we discuss:

    • YSL Beauty's biggest global flagship store
    • Fenty Beauty's entry into China
    • Alibaba Luxury Pavilion "618" results

    1. YSL Beauty opens new flagship store in Guangzhou to reach more Chinese shoppers - brand#

    This week, the French luxury beauty brand YSL opens its biggest global flagship store in Guangzhou, China. The new retail space is a prime example of how high-end beauty technology can empower brands to better interact with today's digital-savvy shoppers. The store introduces a number of interactive activities that not only aim to sell products but also to educate consumers about the brand's rich history. Inside the store, YSL installed an Instagrammable "LOVE" wall so visitors can take pictures with it and make personalized "LOVE" letters for their friends and family as well as the first-ever YSL "unmanned" lipstick machine in China.

    Fenty Beauty by Rihanna. Photo: Fenty Beauty website
    Fenty Beauty by Rihanna. Photo: Fenty Beauty website

    2. Rihanna's Fenty Beauty to enter the Chinese market - LadyMax#

    Fenty Beauty, which was founded by top global icon Rihanna, launched an official account on Weibo this week. The move indicates that the brand is finally ready to enter the Chinese market.

    Alibaba's Luxury Pavilion reported "618" shopping festival sales. Photo: Alizila
    Alibaba's Luxury Pavilion reported "618" shopping festival sales. Photo: Alizila

    3. Alibaba Luxury Pavilion reports "618" retail results - 36Kr#

    During the 618 shopping festival — China's mid-year shopping event that's similar to the Singles' Day — Alibaba's luxury portal, Luxury Pavilion, saw an increase of sales and transactions that was 1.3 times it's average. Among these 618 buyers, roughly 40 percent were 25 years old and under. Also, among shoppers, the number of residents from cities tier-3 and up grew by 40 percent.

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