
    Weekend Sound Bites: Matching Couples, T Magazine, And Nicolas Cage

    Welcome to Jing Daily‘s Weekend Sound Bites: a rundown of what industry influencers were saying about the week’s top stories on the business of luxury and culture in China.
    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Fashion

    Welcome to Jing Daily‘s Weekend Sound Bites: a rundown of what industry influencers were saying about the week’s top stories on the business of luxury and culture in China.#

    —FRIDAY, 10/11 —#

    “It’s not focused on politics, or foreign policy or business news…It’s lifestyle.”

    -Arthur Sulzburger Jr.,Chairman of The New York Times, on the launch of the publication's T Magazine in China. As the normal New York Times website is blocked in the mainland, the new site has been designed to avoid "sensitive topics" while catering to China's desire for luxury fashion. (WSJ)

    —THURSDAY, 10/10 —#

    "I felt proud, like I was saying, 'She's mine.' I just wanted everyone to know."

    -Shanghai resident Bai Zhengping on getting his girlfriend to buy an identical Superman shirt with him. Bai is unfortunately only one of many young Chinese following the "matching couples" fad. (WSJ)

    —WEDNESDAY, 10/9 —#

    “I believe in the genius loci of a place, the genie of the place is what I call it. I absorb that energy and it affects performance wherever I go.”

    -Nicolas Cage, actor, displaying candor while accepting his award for Best Global Actor at China's 2013 Huading Awards. (ABC)

    — TUESDAY, 10/8 —#

    "The premium supermini market is a good place to be at the moment but Aston got it wrong in thinking putting a grill and a fancy interior on what was basically a Toyota iQ would make people buy it."

    -Ian Fletcher, automotive analyst at research consultancy IHS on Aston Martin's pulling of the smaller "city car" Cygnet from the China market after underwhelming sales of only 150 units nationwide. (Reuters)

    — MONDAY, 10/7 —#

    "Of course, there is no receipt for any of this. It's just cash under the table."

    -Luo Chunlei, teacher-turned-activist, calling for the regulation of China's ingrained bribe economy. (LA Times)

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