
    Cosmetics Brand Nars Creates Online Frenzy in China with Unveiling of 'Orgasm' Line

    Today on social media, Chinese consumers are raving about high-end cosmetics brand Nars' new sexually-themed line, which was unveiled at the opening of the brand's Shanghai store.
    Photo: Weibo
    Angelina XuAuthor
      Published   in Fashion

    In traditional Chinese culture, talking about sex or sexual issues in public is viewed as obscene. So, when the high-end cosmetics company Nars opened its first store in mainland China last week, unveiling its new "Orgasm" line, some people have been, well, a little ruffled. News about the store, which is in Shanghai's Raffles City Mall, has been on the radar on social media for several days, and Chinese consumers seem to have kept swarming in for this long-anticipated luxury makeup brand, which also includes "Do Me Baby" lip pencil, and blushes in "Deep Throat" and "Sexy Fantasty." The brand was harshly criticized for its recent announcement that it would conduct animal testing in order to sell in China, but it seems fans have forgotten all about that and are full on happy about the brand's sexy turn. Fans on Weibo are having a lot of fun with it saying things like, "feeling tipsy," "frenzy," and "harmony of life" and adding emoticons of smiley faces and thumbs up. Smartphone beauty app, MakeupPlus, chimed in on the hype and announced on its official Weibo account today that the app is releasing a special filter to let users see how the Orgasm makeup would look on their face. Photo filters have never seemed so liberating.

    Weibo Comment: “I would think the campaign would have been censored by now, but I’m glad that it wasn’t. I would try it because there’s nothing wrong with looking glowy.”

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