
    The Walpole Luxury Summit 2013: Eastern Growth

    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Fashion

    “Event Time: 2013-05-21″

    Taking place on Tuesday 21st May 2013 at 195 Piccadilly, London, the 2013 Walpole Luxury Summit will once again concentrate on international growth markets. For 2013, the event broadens its scope to examine Greater China, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East by focusing on the main developments of the last 12 months and investigate prospects for 2013/14. A panel of CEOs, professionals and practitioners, many from China and the Asia Pacific region, will share case histories and aim to enlighten, provoke, inspire, and above all, provide actionable insights.

    Speakers confirmed for the summit include:#

    Yuval Atsmon, McKinsey & Co
    Anson Bailey, KPMG
    Richard Brown, Global Blue
    Patrick Chalhoub, Chalhoub
    Ray Clacher, Gieves & Hawkes
    Nick Debnam, KPMG
    Marcelle Duncan, Land Rover Experience
    Geoffroy de La Bourdonnaye, Chloe
    Dr Florence Eid, Arabia Monitor
    William Fu, YGM
    Johnny Hornby, CHI & Partners
    Bernard Hosch
    Xia Hua, Eve Group
    Sylvain Jauze, Cegid
    Ed Olver, British Polo Day
    Alexandre Quirici, IDG Capital and former board member of Qeelin
    Daniel Quirici, Eco-Capital
    Fflur Roberts, Euromonitor International
    Jonathan Smith, Hot Pot Digital
    Thibault Villet, Glamour Sales China
    Sian Westerman, Rothschilds
    Sir David Wright, Barclays
    Trevor Yang, Jebsen
    Huishan Zhang, Designer

    Topics related to China include:#

    East of Suez: The economic & political outlook for Greater China, the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East

    Asia Hands: Lessons from the well-established brands

    Home-Grown Luxury: Chinese & Middle Eastern Luxury – the latest developments

    Buying Spree: Examining Chinese and Middle Eastern investors’ growing appetite for European luxury brands

    Have Money, Will Travel: Understanding the travelling luxury shopper

    To book your tickets, visit the official event website.#

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