
    Shanghai Tang Hints At New Hong Kong Flagship With Facebook "Teaser" Contest

    Following the wrap of its pop-up "Loft" in Hong Kong's Pedder Building, this week Shanghai Tang is giving fans a chance to guess the location of its new flagship and win exclusive prizes on its Facebook page.
    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Fashion

    Brand Relocating From Pedder Building To New Flagship#

    Jing Daily

    Following the wrap of its pop-up "Loft" in Hong Kong's Pedder Building, which ran from October of last year through February 20, this week Shanghai Tang is giving its Facebook fans a chance to guess the location of its new flagship in Hong Kong. Fans who "like" the brand's official page are taken to a microsite to view a special teaser hinting at the new location and submit their guesses for a chance to win a set of exclusive prizes, including glassware and porcelain from Shanghai Tang's Imperial Table collection.

    As Jing Daily reported last April, Shanghai Tang made the decision to relocate from its landmark Pedder Building flagship location after a fierce bidding war with Abercrombie & Fitch. Upon its launch this year, the American retailer will pay an estimated HK$7 million (US$900,000) per month on rent for the enviable retail spot -- a 250 percent hike.

    Take a peek at the new teaser and head over to to make a guess. You'll get no spoilers from us!


    The new location will open in early April on Duddell Street, just around the corner from the original location in Central. Check out the "unveiling" video on Shanghai Tang's website.


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