
    Shanghai Brand Ospop. Launches JUE NEXT GEN Photo Competition

    This year's JUE NEXT GEN competition is the biggest to date, with a grand prize of 10,000 yuan (US$1,588) for the winner and 3,000 yuan (US$476) for the runner-up.
    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Technology

    Brand Known For “Industrial Commercial Workwear as Fashion”#

    Jing Daily

    Inspired by China's classic "Liberation" (Jiefang) shoe, this week the Shanghai-based workwear brand Ospop. (previously on Jing Daily) announced that it has teamed up with the JUE Music + Art Festival 2012 on one of its signature events, the NEXT GEN Photography Competition. This year's competition is the biggest to date, with a grand prize of 10,000 yuan (US$1,588) for the winner and 3,000 yuan (US$476) for the runner-up.

    Going with the theme of "Work," this year's JUE NEXT GEN competition welcomes all China-based photographers -- professional or amateur -- to submit their work-themed photos to the official competition website before March 3. The 15 finalist photos will be hand-picked by a panel of judges and exhibited at Shanghai's Central Studios from March 9-23 through the closing event, details of which will be announced in coming weeks.

    Submissions can also be viewed online at the NEXT GEN website, where users can vote for their favorites. The photo with the most votes at the end of the contest will be given a "People's Choice Award," along with prizes from Ospop.

    JUE NEXT GEN Photography Competition

    Submission Period: Now through March 3, 2012
    Exhibition Period: March 9 – March 23, 2012
    Official Website:
    Additional info: and


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