
    Quote of the Day: The New Chinese Tourists

    "We have seen Chinese visitors skydiving...
    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Travel

    Lake Wanaka, New Zealand (Australian Geographic)

    "We have seen Chinese visitors skydiving, we've seen them jetboating, we've seen them staying in luxury lodges and five-star apartments, and we've seen them out driving camper vans as well.''#

    —James Helmore#

    (Otago Daily Times)

    James Helmore, Lake Wanaka Tourism general manager, has been noticing that Chinese tourists are starting to branch out of the stereotypes of shopping-tour-in-a-bus and here-for-a-short-time. Nowadays, places like Lake Wanaka in Queenstown, New Zealand are seeing more Chinese “free independent travelers” (FITs) hungry for bragging rights via unique experiences.According to Helmore, credit card use is a clear indicator of budding Chinese tourism in the region; Chinese-based credit cards accounted for only 16 transactions in February 2008, compared to 1,200 in February of this year.

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