
    Chinese Shoppers Demand to Know What's In Their Skincare Products

    Today on social media, Chinese consumers are buzzing about the negative impact of overusing skincare products and corruption in the imported wine market.
    Photo: Africa Studio/
    Ruonan ZhengAuthor
      Published   in Fashion

    Sharing the 'Why Behind the Buy' Information#

    People are surprised about the results of a recent survey, that show that women on average apply 168 kinds of ingredients for skincare every day. In the report, an Australian biochemist said that applying so many chemical ingredients wouldn’t necessarily help with anti-aging, but would accelerate the process. While some joked that women shouldn’t take such advice, others wondered about the legitimacy of such theories, demanding transparency from cosmetics companies. Coincidentally, recently the parent company of cosmetic brand Olay, Product & Gamble, announced it will share online all of the ingredients in its fragrances. Perhaps it's a move to cater to such demand. According to a recent Nielsen transparency survey, 73 percent of consumers say they feel positive about brands that share the 'why behind the buy' information about their products.

    Weibo comment: "It proves that the quality of your skincare products is more important than the quantity."

    China's wine import market is turbulent as many small players vie for dominance. Photo:
    China's wine import market is turbulent as many small players vie for dominance. Photo:

    Merchants Make False Mark-Ups to Imported Wine Enraging Shoppers#

    People online are in a backlash over unethical business practices in the wine market. A local Chinese reporter found that wine merchants marked up the retail price of imported wine almost four times the suggested selling price, leaving a huge profit margin. By falsely marking up the price, the merchant could give away attractive discounts so that the buyers felt lucky about their purchase. The merchant's reaction caused the most concern. "There is a lot of chaos in the imported wine market," he said. "Everybody is numb."

    Weibo comment: Those merchants take advantage of our lack of knowledge in differentiating between good and bad wine.”

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