
    Liaoning Province Vying To Become "China's Wine Capital"

    Wine producers in China's northeastern Liaoning province, with the assistance of the provincial government, are looking to seriously boost their reputation among Chinese wine drinkers.
    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Fashion

    Red, White, Ice Wine Producers In Huanren County, In China's Northeast, Trying To Boost Brand Visibility And Reputation#

    Jing Daily

    Late last month, Jing Daily reported on a winery in China's northeastern Liaoning province producing the world's largest-ever bottle of wine, a nearly 15-foot-tall monster containing more than 2,000 liters of ice wine. Though this was, at the time, considered simply a publicity stunt designed to coincide with the launch of the Shenyang Food Festival, it seems that Liaoning wine producers -- with the assistance of the provincial government -- are looking to seriously boost their reputation among Chinese wine drinkers.

    This week, a release by the Liaoning provincial authorities indicates how high wine actually stacks up among the government's priorities for bringing more business (and revenue) into the far-flung, chilly province.

    From the release (translation by Jing Daily team):

    Since the beginning of this year, the Huanren Manchu Autonomous County [in Liaoning Province] has decided that within 10 years it will use all efforts available to further develop its ice wine industry and production capabilities to make Huanren the home base of Chinese wine production and become "China's Wine Capital."

    In recent years, this county's high-quality ecological environment and excellent water resources, coupled with a unique mountain climate, has made it an important base for growing green and organic wine grapes. Through the efforts of the provincial government, North Dianzi village, Yahe village and Huanren township -- among other places -- have built upwards of 10,000 mu (a Chinese unit of measurement -- JD) worth of Vidal ice wine and superior red wine grape vineyards.

    As a result of these wine bases, Chinese wineries like Changyu, Dynasty and other top wine companies have come to set up shop in Huanren, helping the area's ice wine and other grape wine industries rapidly improve and develop. As a goal to even further develop this industry, the county has put forth a 10-year timetable, within which Huanren will become "China's Wine Capital."

    Once we achieve the rank of "Wine Capital," we are determined to become the main base for white and red wine production, while also actively developing dry wine brands and promoting traditional local wines, strong baijiu, rice wine, and other types of wine.

    Clearly, last month's publicity stunt was only the first of many outreach efforts we can expect to see from Liaoning's burgeoning wine industry in coming years. While the province will have some stiff competition from other wine-growing areas like Shandong, Hubei and Sichuan. Definitely an interesting part of the world to watch for anyone interested in the continuing global spread of wine culture.

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