
    Jing Daily At Social Media Week Hong Kong

    Running from February 13-17, this year's Social Media Week Hong Kong</a> promises to be bigger and better than the inaugural event in 2011.
    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Technology

    City Becoming East Asian Hub Of Social Media Development#

    Jing Daily

    Running from February 13-17, this year's Social Media Week Hong Kong -- one of 12 global versions taking place in cities like New York, Tokyo and Sao Paulo -- promises to be bigger and better than the inaugural event in 2011. A hub not only for finance and auctions but regional media, owing to its open access to the Internet and all social media platforms, Hong Kong is a promising but still relatively young market in terms of social media/digital engagement. With a packed schedule of panel discussions, workshops and networking sessions, Social Media Week Hong Kong 2012 looks to bring the city further into the global fold and inject new life into its local social media and digital marketing community.

    Highly anticipated activities taking place at this year's event include “StartupsHK Pitch Night 2012” –- a "Dragons' Den"-like event that will making its debut. This will bring some of the city's up-and-coming tech start-ups together to pitch their concepts and face challenges questions from a panel of judges about their business plans and social media strategies. The winner, as decided by the panel and Twitter audience, will walk away with a host of prizes.

    Along with more hard-hitting panels focusing on the nuts and bolts of social media for high-end brands and the service industry, Social Media Week will be peppered with more light-hearted events such as “Dating + Twitter = DWITTER," taking place on Valentine's Day. Making its first appearance at this year's iteration, the event will bring singles together via Twitter or, at the very least, give them a new way of looking at the popular social media platform.

    Other events will make their return this year, including the popular “Hong Kong Fashion Geek Photo Hunt," an on- and off-line scavenger hunt where attendees must travel to stores around the city and photograph special items and upload them to Facebook or Twitter. The individual who photographs the most items will win a prize package including shopping vouchers, fashion items and beauty products.

    As an official media partner, Jing Daily will be taking part in Social Media Week Hong Kong, attending events and presenting at panels focusing on the use of social media in China by major luxury brands. More than just another dry and stodgy set of conferences, Social Media Week Hong Kong reflects the dynamism and energy of the city, as well as the young professionals pushing the development of social media and digital engagement in what is inarguably one of the World's greatest business centers.

    For more information about SMWHK, check out the event on Twitter and Weibo, or take a look at the full schedule here.


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