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Interview: Author Handel Jones Discusses "ChinAmerica: Why The Future Of America Is China" (Part Two)

In the final installment of Jing Daily's two-part interview with Handel Jones, we discuss the role of culture in China's rise on the global stage, and whether China can become a "true" superpower through a combination of economic and cultural influence.

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  1. “ChinAmerica” (McGraw Hill, 2010, Hardcover, $27.95) Looks At Growing Interdependence Of World’s Two Largest Economies
  2. part one
  3. Jing Daily: What role do you feel culture plays in China's rise on the global stage? What kind of interest does the Chinese government, for instance, have in promoting Chinese culture overseas?
  4. Handel Jones
  5. What role do you think China's wealth gap and urban-rural divide are having, or will have, on culture?
  6. So what do you think will happen when China's so-called "rich second generation" becomes some of the business leaders of tomorrow? Will they be as willing as their parents to sacrifice?
  7. What implications do you think corruption and the yawning wealth gap in China will have for efficiency going forward?
  8. Let's look at the idea of a "superpower." You said China doesn't care about exporting culture, but they're spending millions of dollars per year trying to do just that, while a lot of Chinese young people are emulating foreign lifestyles and consuming foreign cultural goods. However, the inverse isn't true. Will China ever become a cultural superpower?
  9. ChinAmerica touches a little on the relationship between China and India. Of course, India itself is growing rapidly, and some project it could someday become a superpower as well. How do you see relations between China and India progressing in coming years?
  10. What are your future plans? Are you working on a follow-up to ChinAmerica ?
  11. Any plans to publish ChinAmerica in Asia?
  12. Jing Daily would like to thank Dr. Handel Jones for taking the time to speak with us, and McGraw-Hill for setting up the interview.
  13. Recommended
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Published November 09, 2010

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