
    Icicle’s collab with Shanghai Museum blends modern elegance with ancient artistry

    Icicle teamed up with Shanghai Museum to translate ancient bronze patterns into fashion with cultural confidence and contemporary aesthetics.
    Photo: Icicle
      Published   in Fashion


    At the heart of this series lie two of the museum’s prized bronze masterpieces, titled Da Ke Ding, an ancient bronze circular vessel, and Fu Yi Gong, a bronze animalistic vessel. Artisans meticulously reconstructed the intricate patterns from these artifacts. Icicle then ingeniously translated these patterns into contemporary jacquard clothing and inscriptions.

    Icicle’s design ethos marries simplicity and practicality with the rich hues reminiscent of white rice paper and the browns of bronze. The result is a tangible embodiment of heritage, blending ancient Chinese artistry with modern sensibilities.

    Icicle ingeniously spotlights the artifacts’ intricate patterns, seamlessly integrating them into contemporary clothing designs. Photo: Icicle
    Icicle ingeniously spotlights the artifacts’ intricate patterns, seamlessly integrating them into contemporary clothing designs. Photo: Icicle

    While this collaboration may not have ignited the same fervor sparked by partnerships involving cult labels and influencers, it has nonetheless garnered positive feedback from users on Xiaohongshu. Admirers praise the impressive patterns drawn from the museum’s bronze masterpieces, noting Icicle’s adept portrayal of traditional Chinese culture and heritage, which resonates deeply with local consumers.


    Art, culture, and design have long been integral to Icicle’s identity. The brand unveiled its Icicle Space in Shanghai in 2016, which features not only a showroom and retail space, but also a lounge, restaurant, art gallery, and bookstore, enabling it to curate immersive experiences at the location.

    This space has served as a platform for various panels, art exhibitions, and theater salons, enriching the brand’s narrative and displaying the elements of coveted lifestyles.

    Grounded in Taoist philosophy, Icicle has since its inception in 1997 striven to forge a harmonious connection between humanity and nature. With its global perspective and deep-rooted appreciation of China’s cultural history, the luxury label adeptly translates local cultural elements into universal symbols, fostering inclusivity and broadening the conversation around East Asian values and heritage. This ethos is exemplified in Icicle’s collaboration with the Shanghai Museum.

    Recognizing that bronze utensils hold little relevance in modern contexts, Icicle ingeniously spotlights the artifacts’ intricate patterns, seamlessly integrating them into contemporary clothing designs. This innovative approach allows today’s consumers to effortlessly connect with the legacy of ancient artifacts, bridging past and present.

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