
    HK Jeweler Chow Tai Fook Releases New "National Essence Series"

    Combining K-gold and silver, the new jewelry series derives inspiration from the Shanghai World Expo and the growing connection between China and the international community.
    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Hard Luxury

    Chow Tai Fook Has Worked With World Gold Council To Promote K-Gold Since 2004#

    Chow Tai Fook (周大福), the Hong Kong-based jewelry brand, recently unveiled its new "K-Gold National Essence Series", which incorporates Western nuances and re-envisions Chinese design in the company's trademark fashion. Combining K-gold -- an 18-karat gold developed by the World Gold Council, the promotion of which Chow Tai Fook began in 2004 -- with silver, the line derives inspiration from the Shanghai World Expo and the growing connection between China and the international community. According to Artxun:

    The Shanghai Expo theme of "Better City, Better Life" has become the creative inspiration for [the line's] designer, who has cast the city's changes throughout the ages into modern gold designs that seamlessly combine traditional Chinese culture and modern urban rhythm, perfectly reflecting and interpreting modern pop culture with Chinese characteristics.


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