
    Exhibition Watch: New "China," Porcelain Art from Jingdezhen

    Running from September 21-December 9, 2012, New York's China Institute will present the exhibition "New 'China': Porcelain Art from Jingdezhen, 1910-2012," exposing a new audience to China's famed "Porcelain Capital," Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province.
    Jingdezhen has been a center of porcelain production for centuries
    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Lifestyle

    Exhibition, Lecture & Symposium At China Institute#

    Running from September 21-December 9, 2012, New York's

    China Institute#

    will present the exhibition "New 'China': Porcelain Art from Jingdezhen, 1910-2012," exposing a new audience to China's famed "Porcelain Capital," Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province. For the launch on September 21, guest co-curators Lili Fang, Director of the Art Anthropology Research Center of the Chinese National Academy of Arts in Beijing and a leading author on Jingdezhen studies, and Nancy Selvage, former Director of the Ceramics Program at Harvard University, will take part in a curator's lecture at the China Institute discussing the history of Jingdezhen and the work of artists inspired by this famous city.

    One day later, the Institute will hold an accompanying symposium, at which a selection of artists and curators will present on topics including "Jingdezhen: History and Development of Contemporary Chinese Porcelain," "Chinese Porcelain: Contemporary Global Impact on Artists and Education," and "Contemporary Chinese Porcelain: Curatorial Perspectives." For anybody interested in traditional and contemporary Chinese ceramic arts, this will be an event not to miss.

    New "China": Porcelain Art from Jingdezhen#

    China Institute in America
    125 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065
    Tel: 212.744.8181

    Exhibition: September 21-December 9, 2012#

    Curator's Lecture: September 21, 2012, 6:30pm-8pm#

    Symposium: September 22, 2012, 1pm-5pm#

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