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Exclusive Interview: John Wang, Chief Marketing Officer Of Handset Maker HTC

This weekend, Jing Daily sat down for an interview with John Wang, the Chief Marketing Officer of the Taiwanese handset maker HTC, at the MIT Sloan Asia Business Conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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  1. Wang Discusses Importance Of Consistent Global Branding, Localization, And HTC's Unique Brand Messaging
  2. Jing Daily: Do you have a process of localization for individual markets -- say for the Chinese market, the Taiwanese market, or the North American market? Do you see much difference in what these consumers demand from their phones?
  3. John Wang
  4. As a marketing exec, what do you feel like are the unique challenges you face in marketing to mainland China versus Taiwan or the American market?
  5. So the actual "quietly brilliant" message is always the same, in every language, always the same message?
  6. How does that resonate in different languages? Since that message has different impact in different languages, do you feel it resonates equally across the world or is it more effective in certain markets?
  7. It's almost a Confucian position. Doing rather than saying, don't talk about yourself.
  8. At the conference today, David Steel of Samsung said turnover for mobile phones in South Korea is something like every six months. How do you deal with the turnover in places like Korea versus a place like the US, where turnover is much slower? Do you release new products more quickly, or do you stick to a core set of phones?
  9. How long has HTC's big marketing push been going on in global markets like the US?
  10. Do you feel the American tech blogs have been instrumental in HTC's success over the past year?
  11. Jing Daily would like to thank John Wang of HTC for taking the time to speak with us, and Paul Denning, Director of Media Relations at MIT, for setting up the interview.
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Published November 08, 2010

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