
    Don't Miss: “One Pen, One World" NeochaEDGE Creative Workshop (Shanghai, Sep. 3)

    Set to take place this coming Saturday at Shanghai's Rockbund Art Museum, the fourth workshop by the creative consultancy NeochaEDGE spotlights the work of the Beijing-based illustrator, PP sama.
    Jing DailyAuthor
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    Event At Rockbund Art Museum Spotlights Beijing-based Illustrator, PP sama#

    PP sama event flier

    Set to take place this coming Saturday at Shanghai's Rockbund Art Museum (previously on Jing Daily), the fourth workshop by the creative consultancy NeochaEDGE spotlights the work of the Beijing-based illustrator, PP sama (PP殿下, Weibo). Known for her hand-drawn city maps and unique take on Chinese folk art, at the workshop PP sama will discuss her work and inspiration, and encourage attendees to create their own personal maps of Shanghai.

    Definitely an event worth checking out for anyone interested in China's young artists and their re-conceptions of urban space, or anyone just looking for something fun to do on Saturday evening.

    Admission is free, but seating is limited. RSVP by sending an email to

    NeochaEDGE Creative Workshop #4: "One Pen, One World" led by PP sama#

    Saturday, September 3, 2011
    4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    Rockbund Art Museum (上海外滩美术馆)
    169 Yuan Ming Yuan Road, 1st Floor (上海黄浦区圆明园路169号协进大楼1F)

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