
    Don't Miss: Fourth Annual Wenzhou International Luxury Expo (June 5-7)

    Comprising around 12,000 sq. meters at the Wenzhou Exhibition Center, the expo is expected to bring in around 30,000 invited guests and more than 100 international brands, including Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce, Harley Davidson, Christofle, Safin Savinelli and Cohiba.
    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Fashion

    Luxury Expo To Be Largest In Event History, With Upwards Of 30,000 Guests Expected To Attend#

    Anyone interested in the Chinese luxury market is undoubtedly very familiar with the southeastern city of Wenzhou. Long famous as the hometown of millions of emigrants who set out to Southeast Asia, the U.S. or Europe, now Wenzhou is associated more for the vast wealth many of its inhabitants have accumulated (or brought back from overseas) in the last three decades. Indeed, in China, Wenzhou locals are known as much for their lavish spending as for their purportedly innate business acumen -- earlier this year, figures showed that Wenzhou's 7.6 million residents accounted for 54% of imported wine consumption in Zhejiang province, despite only making up only about 16% of the Zhejiang population (47.2 million).

    Hoping to cash in on these well-off, serious spenders, for the past few years major luxury brands have flocked to Wenzhou for the Wenzhou International Luxury Exposition. With the mainland market looking increasingly rosy for major brands -- although many are remaining cautiously, rather than blindly, optimistic -- we've seen a number of conferences, summits and expos (such as Hainan Rendez-Vous) localize their efforts, and this summer the Wenzhou expo will join others like the China Luxury Summit in inviting more brands to promote themselves in the world's fastest-growing high-end market.

    Organized by Xinhua "Reference News," the Media & Press Center of CCPIT, China Council of Foreign Trade, the World Luxury Association and the Wenzhou General Chamber of Commerce, this year's Wenzhou Luxury Expo will be the largest to date. Comprising around 12,000 sq. meters at the Wenzhou Exhibition Center, the expo is expected to bring in around 30,000 invited guests and more than 100 international brands, including Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce, Harley Davidson, Christofle, Safin Savinelli and Cohiba.

    More information on the Fourth Annual Wenzhou International Luxury Expo can be found on the event website.

    Event schedule:#

    June 5, 2010: (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM) Press Conference and Expo opening; VIP viewing

    June 5, 2010: (7:00 PM) "Oscar Celebrity" cocktail party and "influential brand" award ceremony

    June 6-7, 2010: (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) Event open to the public

    June 6, 2010: (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) High-end brand demonstrations

    June 6, 2010: (7:00 PM - 9:00 PM) Sunseeker yacht party

    June 7, 2010: (5:00 PM) Closing ceremony

    Highlights of last year's expo#


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