
    Chinese Cities Establish Yellow River Tourism Alliance

    With the establishment of the new "Yellow River Tour" alliance, mayors and tourism administrators from Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Henan province hope to cooperatively build a new tourism "brand" to pool resources, increase regional communication and boost domestic and foreign tourism.
    Jing DailyAuthor
      Published   in Travel

    Mayors And Tourism Administrators From Shanxi, Shaanxi, And Henan Provinces Look To Promote "Yellow River Tour" Brand#

    Branding isn't just for companies or individuals anymore. With the establishment of the new "Yellow River Tour" alliance -- formalized this week -- the mayors and tourism administrators of Yuncheng and Linfen in China's western Shanxi province, Xi'an and Weinan in Shaanxi province, and Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang and Sanmenxia in Henan hope to cooperatively build a new tourism "brand" to pool resources, increase regional communication and boost domestic and foreign tourism.

    From China Hospitality News:

    To build the Yellow River Tour brand, the eight cities will integrate their tourism resources, coordinate regional tourism product development and improve the market competitiveness of tourism products. In recommending boutique tourist routes, they will combine their quality tourism resources together to promote "historical and cultural tours" and "ecological tours" to the domestic and foreign markets.

    In establishing a regional tourism information database, the alliance will attract investment through the Internet and large-scale events, providing authoritative information to investors developing regional tourism projects. In addition, the alliance encourages member cities to launch mutual visit tourism programs, including incentive travel, wellness tours, study tours, and leisure travel.

    This tourism alliance isn't the first time Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan have teamed up -- for years, the "Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan Triangle Pilot Development Zone" project has sought to beef up the region's economic development (which has lagged behind China's east coast) through closer cooperation on everything from raw material production to tourism.

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