
    How Brands Can Unlock China's Gen-Z Spending Power

    A new report by data intelligence company Kantar Group in collaboration with Tencent Holdings offers fresh insights into China’s Gen-Z shoppers.
    Photo: Shutterstock
    Yiling PanAuthor
      Published   in Fashion

    The power of Generation Z, a demographic born between 1995 and 2003, has started to penetrate the Chinese personal luxury goods market in 2018. This is a trend that is set to continue and expand in 2019, making it highly necessary for luxury brands to observe and understand their consumption habits and motivations.

    A new report titled “Gen Z Spending Power White Paper,” released by data intelligence company Kantar Group in collaboration with Chinese tech firm Tencent last week, offers fresh insights into China’s Gen-Z shoppers. It estimates that the demographic now totals 149 million people, and will account for 40 percent of global Gen-Z purchases by 2020.

    The survey of nearly 3,500 Gen-Z consumers said the monthly purchasing power of China’s Gen Z stands at $507 (RMB 3,501). Meanwhile, 35 percent of survey respondents said they have a stable income source, such as part-time employment and scholarships, aside from money from their parents.

    China’s Gen-Z consumers have also started to purchase luxury and cosmetics products at a much younger age (about 15 years old) than previous generations like the post-'60s and post-'70s. They have accounted for approximately 30 percent of spending on cosmetics and shoes in 2018, the report noted.

    Last but not least, the report discussed the three most important factors that motivate China's Gen-Z shoppers to spend their money on brands:

    Buy for social

    China's Gen-Z shoppers make purchases in order to socialize with their peers. Buying the same item will give them a topic to talk about with their friends and attract people with similar interests and hobbies.
    China's Gen-Z shoppers make purchases in order to socialize with their peers. Buying the same item will give them a topic to talk about with their friends and attract people with similar interests and hobbies.

    I am what I buy

    China's Gen-Z consumers make purchases to make a personal statement about who they are and what they stand for. In a social media age, a personal image is quite important for youths in China and they believe their consumption behaviors can help them communicate that better with friends and families.
    China's Gen-Z consumers make purchases to make a personal statement about who they are and what they stand for. In a social media age, a personal image is quite important for youths in China and they believe their consumption behaviors can help them communicate that better with friends and families.

    My pleasure, right now

    China's Gen-Z consumers value the instant gratification that consumption can provide. This factor really distinguishes them from previous generations, who tend to save money for the future.
    China's Gen-Z consumers value the instant gratification that consumption can provide. This factor really distinguishes them from previous generations, who tend to save money for the future.

    To download the full report, please visit our Report Library.

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