
    China fragrance market 2024 preview: Emerging trends from TCM to unisex scents

    From traditional Chinese medicine to unisex scents, the future of fragrance in China offers exciting opportunities for brands and consumers alike.
    From traditional Chinese medicine to unisex scents, the future of fragrance in China offers exciting opportunities for brands and consumers alike.
      Published   in Beauty

    This is a preview of our China Fragrance Market Report 2024. For more in-depth insights and expert analyses, pre-order our comprehensive report here.

    As the fragrance industry in China undergoes a profound transformation, these consumer and wellness-charged trends are leading the changing market dynamics. From traditional Chinese medicine to unisex scents, the future of fragrance in China is vibrant, diverse, and sustainable, offering exciting opportunities for brands and consumers alike. We take a look at China’s top fragrance trends below.

    Incorporating traditional Chinese medicine#

    With young consumers embracing the ancient concept of yang sheng, or nourishing life, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has become a popular trend. Image: Britannica
    With young consumers embracing the ancient concept of yang sheng, or nourishing life, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has become a popular trend. Image: Britannica

    With young consumers embracing the ancient concept of yang sheng, or nourishing life, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has become a popular trend, prompting French perfume house Roger&Gallet to incorporate TCM concepts in its fragrances. By integrating local botanical ingredients and cultural concepts, brands like Roger&Gallet are aligning their offerings with the rich tapestry of Chinese heritage.

    Immersive Sensorial Experiences#

    Brands are moving beyond traditional exhibitions, embracing theater, music, dance, and the visual arts to create immersive sensorial experiences. Image: Backstage
    Brands are moving beyond traditional exhibitions, embracing theater, music, dance, and the visual arts to create immersive sensorial experiences. Image: Backstage

    In a post-pandemic world, offline experiences are making a powerful comeback. Brands are moving beyond traditional exhibitions, embracing theater, music, dance, and the visual arts to create immersive sensorial experiences. Byredo, for instance, weaves a captivating six-phase narrative around its beloved 'Rose of No Man’s Land' fragrance, collaborating with local artists and renowned photographer Zhong Lin to engage consumers on a profound level.

    Home Scents#

    Bulgari offers a complete range of scented products, from body lotions to car fragrances, enabling consumers to indulge in the 'Bulgari' lifestyle. Image: Bulgari
    Bulgari offers a complete range of scented products, from body lotions to car fragrances, enabling consumers to indulge in the 'Bulgari' lifestyle. Image: Bulgari

    Home has become the sanctuary, especially in the wake of lockdowns. Candles, diffusers with essential oils, and personalized car fragrances have become essential elements in consumers' lives, enhancing well-being and creating a cozy ambiance. Bulgari, a trailblazer in this trend, offers a complete range of scented products, from body lotions to car fragrances, enabling consumers to indulge in the 'Bulgari' lifestyle both at home and in their vehicles.

    Rise of Unisex Fragrances#

    Gucci's unisex fragrance - Mémoire d'Une Odeur. Image: Gucci
    Gucci's unisex fragrance - Mémoire d'Une Odeur. Image: Gucci

    Gender boundaries are dissolving in the realm of fragrances, with unisex scents experiencing rapid growth in China. Consumers are becoming more daring, exploring bold and innovative fragrances that challenge traditional gender norms. Brands like Byredo's 'Rose of No Man’s Land,' Gucci's Mémoire d'Une Odeur, and Loewe’s '001' are not only popular, but also redefine the conventional notions of perfumery. This shift mirrors a global trend toward emancipation from traditional gender definitions.

    The Chinese fragrance market is witnessing a fusion of tradition and modernity, with consumers seeking unique olfactory experiences rooted in Eastern and Chinese elements. As the industry evolves, brands are adapting, crafting narratives that resonate with the discerning tastes of the Chinese consumer.

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