The Wine World's "Olympics" To Be Held At The Beijing International Trade Center Two years after holding the Summer Olympics, Beijing is set to host the global wine industry's "Olympics" from June 1 - 3 at the Beijing International Trade Center. This week, details about the upcoming wine expo were announced at a press release in Beijing attended by around 200 people, including embassy officials from New Zealand and Georgia, wine vendors and journalists. From HC360 (translation by Jing Daily team): China is in the midst of a rise in [interest in] classic Western wine culture, as interest in the "noble life" in China has also risen. The explosion of wine imports in China over the past few years has surprised many, as the vast Chinese market has enticed importers to send their products to China. Along with a rise in incomes has been a rise in per-capita wine consumption among Chinese people, especially among the growing middle class. A stronger red wine consumer culture has already started to take shape in China's bigger cities. ... TOPWINE CHINA 2010 is the first professional international exhibition put on by China's emerging wine industry, and is currently the largest event of its kind in the Chinese wine industry, with more than 10,000 square meters of exhibition space booked. Given the increasing importance and influence of China's economy in the global economy, and the fact that China is now the largest wine market in Asia and one of the world's eighth-largest markets, the event organizers are positioning and promoting this event as the global wine world's "Olympics." TOPWINE CHINA's brand image is: You (exhibitors and visitors) have the most to gain by attending this event.