Beijing-Based Company Helps U.S. Schools Battle Application Fraud
Although a recent New York Times article implies that the families of Chinese students are buying their way into U.S. private schools, a new company is increasingly popular for its verification of application information.
On this page
- Elite Private Schools Pay To Ensure Chinese Students' Credentials
- How did you come up with the idea of starting Vericant?
- There seems to be an entire industry that revolves around outbound education in China, including scores of "consultancies" that guarantee clients admission to a high school or college abroad. Who are the other players involved?
- Have you witnessed an increasing number of Chinese applicants to high school as opposed to waiting until college, as described in the New York Times article?
- The article seems to imply that many of the Chinese students bought their way in. Do you feel this is an accurate reflection of the current state of things? What is your reaction to the article as someone who has firsthand experience interviewing applicants to U.S. private schools?
- What's next? Can we expect more international high school students from China, more private schools catering to them, and perhaps better business for companies like Vericant?
- As the article points out, many Chinese students gain admission despite seemingly insufficient English language skills. Do you foresee a backlash when the same students are applying to college?
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