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10 Minutes With...Classical Music Sensation Yundi

Above all else, classical pianist Li Yundi is a true global phenomenon.

10 Minutes With...Classical Music Sensation Yundi

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  1. Music "Is One Of The Only Things In This World That Doesn’t Judge Or Have Boundaries"
  2. Yundi
  3. Jing Daily (JD): You are regarded as a leading exponent of Chopin’s music, but on your new album with  Deutsche Grammophon , you recorded Beethoven’s later sonatas. Why did you feel the need to incorporate his music on the new album?
  4. Yundi (Y)
  5. JD: You spend a lot of time in Germany. Why is that?
  6. Y
  7. JD: I’ve heard that when you play the same piece over time it always sounds different. How have you developed as an artist over the years?
  8. Y
  9. JD: China’s concerto consumption is growing , but do you think it will last to become a fundamental aspect of their culture?
  10. Y
  11. JD: You are enjoying unprecedented success, and the elephant in the room is the scandal that surrounds you. Divorced, philanderer, homosexual relationships with pop stars , fans threatening editors, an aggressive rivalry with Lang Lang and the list goes on. How do you respond to that?
  12. Y
  13. JD: You’ve been criticized for playing up the rumors, unfounded or not, bringing attention to yourself. The publicity generated has without question brought classical music to a younger generation and audience, but has it been at the cost of your artistic integrity?
  14. Y
  15. JD: Lang Lang has always publically been regarded as your adversary. Would you like to take the chance to set the record straight?
  16. Y
  17. JD: Finally, what would you like to communicate and express to the Jing Daily readers?
  18. Y
  19. Yundi will perform live at the Royal Festival Hall in London on April 18, 2013. For tickets and more information, click here .
  20. Recommended
  21. Dig Deeper

Published February 27, 2013

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